notes on SBCM participation
From September 3rd to 6th I participated in the 16th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music (SBCM2017) and presented the Vivace livecoding language and platform. Here is a screencast where I recorded the presentation when practicing. The final presentation was better, but the screencast is good enough. Here are the slides I used. Most importantly, for me:
- I got in touch with the Romanian-American composer Tipei. He had very interesting thoughts on musical theory, history and computer music.
- People liked the work on Vivace quite a lot and kept asking me about it and making explicit their appreciation of the work and intentions of usage.
- I learned about recent works of a number of researchers that interests me: Tiago Tavares, Flávio Schiavoni, Marcelo Queiroz and José Padovani, to name just a few.
- Learned about the possibilities of decomposing a signal into AM and FM modulators with Antonio Goulart.
- Learned some bits about Ubiquitous Music from Damián Keller.
- Learned a bit about recognizing features of specific genres of music from Xavier Serra.
- Grasped some interesting considerations about blending harmonies from different genres from Emilios Cambouropoulos.
- Listened to interesting musical pieces in the daily concerts.
- I applied to become a member of the Brazilian Committee for Computer Music.
- Some other stuff I don’t recall at the moment but might add to this list.